Our 2020 Calendar
4 Simple Steps To Submit Your Truck Pics'
Kindly read through 3 requirements. Here are the guidelines for consideration in being featured in upcoming promotional calendars, etc...
1. Send all Pictures directly via Email bubtanya@builtbybub.com
2. Ensure Picture Is oriented correctly (Horizontally/Landscape)
3. Please use the highest resolution possible (Best Quality)
4.) Include your full name and indicate which of our parts you're featuring.
Please Note: 100% Handmade-Nothing manufactured! All of the items featured are custom fabricated by William "Bub" Poff, each are builtbybub and made onsite here at Weld Shop, LLC Address: 18911 Chmidling Drive Leavenworth, Kansas 66048-8493 CELL: (913) 240-5965. EMAIL: bubtanya@builtbybub.com All products are solely the responsibility of the end user. All photography and images are courtesy of the respective owners' and/or this website. This site displays the original metal fabrication of William 'Bub' Poff. * Patents Pending. All rights reserved. Copyright© 2008-Present This page was created on December 1, 2017. Congratulations to all trucks featured here. All trucks featured on this page have purchased some of their custom truck parts from us directly for their working Largecar Trucks! Thank YOU to EVERYONE who entered and keep on sending us those great pics! Let us know if you'd like to preorder our calendars-we may have some left for current calendar year too, just ask!! Please note: October 1st is last date for submitting for the upcoming calendar year. This site continues to be Ad-Free and made exclusively for Weld Shop, LLC. Over five decades of proven expierence-26th year in business!