Presents: Just Pic's

-Please Scroll down and refer to the number on left of pic about any questions referring to custom parts-


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-Please refer to the number on left of pic about any questions referring to custom parts-



ote: Not manufactured! All items showcased on this site are both intellectual property and are exclusive original metal fabrications of William "Bub" and Tanya Poff.  Each item is 100% hand made onsite at Address: 18911 Chmidling Drive Leavenworth, Kansas 66048-8493 CELL: (913) 240-5965. EMAIL: bubtanya@builtbybub.com All products are solely the responsibility of the end user. All photography and images are courtesy of the respective owners' and/or this website. * Patents Pending. All rights reserved.  Copyright© 2008-Present  Revised on: December 05, 2019.  Ad-Free and made exclusively for Weld Shop, LLC. 

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GPS Location: 39° 24' 37" N  -  95° O' 55" W (+/- 19 ft.)